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TrailBait Behind-Grille Light Bar - Toyota Hilux N80





Conceal a light bar behind the grille of your N80 Hilux and light up the road without having to invest in a bull bar.


Chassis mounted to eliminate vibration. The bracket system is cleverly engineered so that it mounts to existing points on the body, and can be installed with a single 13mm socket in 5 minutes*. Only the grille shroud beneath the bonnet needs to be removed temporarily to for access. (*Pre-2020 models will need the bumper to be removed)


This means that there is no cutting or drilling required. Welded studs remove the need for nuts & bolts making the install process totally painless. The bracket is also powdercoated black for stealth appearance and rust protection.


The wiring is also a piece of cake. The kit includes a plug & play high beam adaptor, so no soldering or cutting is needed. It also has a complete wiring loom, so that there is no additional components required.

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